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Victoria Wycklendt Utilizes Career Center Resources to Score Dream Internship

Like many students entering their junior year, Marketing major Victoria Wycklendt was confident in the skills she acquired from her Columbia College Chicago classes. But when it came time to start searching for internships, she did so with some hesitation. Did she have enough time to maintain her stellar academics while also partaking in an internship? Would she enjoy the experience? Was it a good fit for her? Did she have enough knowledge to make an impact as an intern? As some of these questions popped up, Victoria turned to the Career Center at Columbia College Chicago. There, she met with her Internship and Career Advisor to hone in on opportunities, have her resume and cover letter reviewed, and discuss next steps. This process assisted her in securing a paid internship this semester with Songfinch.

Based in Chicago, Songfinch connects songwriters with consumers who want to commemorate special occasions with a personalized song. The company provides artists opportunities beyond streaming and live performances to monetize their talents, while also having the satisfaction that they are creating a memorable experience for clients. Those attributes excited Victoria. “Not only was it super applicable to what I want to pursue further in my career, but a majority of the employees are Columbia alumni which is super cool! The fact that the company is also based in Chicago and strives to empower the artists they work with is also fantastic.”

She was contacted a few weeks after interviewing for the internship, and the offer was made. Though she was over the moon, she also felt a bit of self-doubt creep in. As she relates, “I was a little nervous when I first was offered this position. This was technically the first internship I had ever applied for, and I saw it as a big step into the music industry and the world of adulthood. I knew I had enough experience where I had the potential to succeed in an environment like Songfinch, but it's always a little scary putting yourself out there. Even with those insecurities in mind, I knew that if I stayed true to who I was and applied what I learned at Columbia to my internship, I would be as prepared as I could be.”

As an Artist Recruitment Intern, her duties are vast. Most enjoyable for her is the fact that she is able to work directly with artists. As she explains, “My duties at Songfinch revolve around outsourcing and communicating with artists. The average workday for me is listening to music, finding an artist's contact information, and reaching out to them about how their music is a good fit for Songfinch. From there, I talk with the artist or the management about the company, answer any questions they have, and then try to get them to join the onboarding process where they create and perform an audition song.”

Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a graduate of Shorewood High School, Victoria has always considered herself a creative person. Her internship with Songfinch has not only developed her confidence in her own creativity, but also gave her a new path. “This internship has definitely changed my career goals. I was a little scared of entering the music industry ever since the pandemic started, so I resorted back to aiming for a traditional marketing career. Songfinch has helped me realize that I can still be in the music industry, while also being a part of the traditional marketing world.”

As she continues to flourish in her internship, Victoria has some pertinent advice for students looking for an internship. “Utilize the resources provided to you by your college! I know everyone says that, but if you are determined to find a career in something you are passionate about, it's important to use every outlet to your advantage. I never even knew Songfinch existed before I reached out to the Career Center, so it’s important to network and talk with people. The Career Center and Columbia College Chicago are here to help you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when it comes to internships and other career help.”

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