Hailing from Grand Blanc, Michigan, and a graduate of Grand Blanc High School, junior Audio Arts major Noah Savoie’s route to music and audio began with an introduction to piano, followed by saxophone and guitar. That zest to learn multiple instruments gave him the motivation to start collaborating with fellow students in middle school. As Noah relates, “My career in audio started by making little, short films with my friends. We would always need music and sound design for our films, so I would just end up making them myself. My first ever DAW was a program called Mixcraft. It isn't a great DAW by any means, but it was my first experience at mixing and production as well as sound design.”
In high school, he further solidified his musical prowess by being an active participant in several programs and ensembles. "I was very lucky to go to a school with a good music program, and played in all different kinds of groups (wind ensemble, jazz band, marching band, etc.).”
When deciding on his college choice, Noah was looking for a school that would enable him to get a well-rounded education, while supporting his dreams in audio and music. He would find just that as an Audio major at Columbia. “The main things that attracted me to Columbia were the networking opportunities and the faculty. It's great to go to a school where your professors are actively working in the industry, and it's even better to have the opportunity to collaborate on projects with students outside of your department.”
One of the other aspects of Columbia that appeals to him is the fact that the classes are rooted in making sure that the student is prepared for the industry before obtaining an internship. According to Noah, “The best classes I've taken are always the practical ones. classes like Fundamentals of Audio, DAW Tech, and Post-Production Audio are absolute godsends. These classes show you exactly how audio is done in the industry. And there was never any handholding in any of these classes. The teachers would guide you, but it was up to you to put in the work and get the grade.”
That hands-on experience gave Noah the confidence to apply for and secure an internship with Rax Trax Recording in Chicago. He has been able to learn first-hand from engineers at the studio. These engineers give students a birds-eye view of the industry by having students set up and break down instruments and audio equipment before sessions, welcome and interact with clients to keep things running smoothly, and assist engineers during sessions. Observing and having the opportunity to work one-on-one with engineers is something that Noah takes great pride in. “One of the main things that excites me is watching the engineers at Rax Trax work. They are all very seasoned, and I always learn something new. Each engineer has his own way of doing things. It has really helped me to gauge what I value as an engineer and consider what my workflow should be like.”
Now entering his third semester as an intern, Noah has the following tips for students who are seeking internships. “My best advice for those seeking internships (or any job really) would be the advice my mother gave me. That is to go beyond online when looking for a job if you can. If you can meet them in-person for the interview, do it. Don't do online interviews unless you must. If they can put a physical voice or a face to your name, it will help them remember you.”
In terms of future plans, as he continues to build his skills as an engineer by interning and through classes, Noah has started a business endeavor with his friend, and recent Columbia Music major graduate Keefer Schoon. “We are diving into the world of music licensing and making specialized music for commercials, shows, etc. We have also started a band called DZ Riley. We are a concept band, and our focus is finding creative ways to marry storytelling with musical performance. I still have a love for filmmaking and storytelling and would like to incorporate that into my music.”